Eagles Night Out
Anybody Can Open Doors For You - We Open The Right Doors
Eagles Night Out B2B Networking Events participants characterize a rich diversity of politicians, government & military officials, VOB and non-veteran business professionals and tradesmen who represent the rich diversity and wealth of the nation, offering unparalleled business, referral and contracting opportunities for our all our participants.
Success Through Strategic Network Resource Target Management
Participants from each category listed are selected from an extensive Veteran Owned Business and VOB Community Business Partners Lists Owned and Managed by the United States Veterans Inc. Chamber of Commerce. List are broken down by; geography, target population category density and SIC codes (Standard Industry Classification Codes), which gives the Chamber the ability to strategically mix and match ENO participants specific business and networking interest, to ensure that "ALL" ENO members and participants profit from their participation and support.
You're Invitation to Meet Your Potential Business
Partners & Customers
You're Invitation to Meet Your Potential Business
Partners & Customers
When Attending an Eagles Night Out B2B Networking Event you can expect to meet decision makers in the categories listed below. Each ENO participant attends with the knowledge that this is first and foremost an entrepreneurial business networking initiative hosted to provide the areas disadvantaged veteran owned business owners with reciprocal, business and preferential contracting opportunities. But also that they can expect to benefit from the very same reciprocal, business and preferential contracting opportunities, and support they provide our VOB's, from our VOB's and Community Business Partner members.
Veteran Owned Business Owners from every community throughout your state, who's ranks are made up of mainly of professionals, small retail and service businesses looking to grow their businesses through contracting and consumer sales opportunities, establish new supplier relationship, and grow their professional, resource and referral networks.
3.7 million veteran owned businesses (VOB) ranging from sole proprietors to large corporations and conglomerates. That generated sales/receipts of $1.6 trillion, employed 8.2 million employees, and annual payroll of $280 billion
Veteran Owned Business Owners
Aspiring Military & Veteran Entrepreneurs
With over 1.4 million veterans across the nation unable to find gainful employment many are seeking an alternative means in which to support themselves and their families, self-employment has become the new viable alternative, especially in-light of the of the vast number of entrepreneurial resources, programs and services being made available by various government agencies in support the nations military community.
As a result more and more veterans are joining the Veteran Owned Business Community and seeking out the support and opportunities being offered by our ENO Events.
In a recent study 33 percent of the active duty military personnel and members of the veterans community interviewed indicated that they are interested in owning a business of their own.
Politicians / Federal, State, County & City
Political attendees act as the voice of authority in government for the Veterans Owned Business Owners in our communities and are invited to attend our ENO events to give them the opportunity to meet their constituents, build a rapport and address their specific representation needs.
Aside from the federal government which is all encompassing, The number of incorporated town and cities is over 30,000,the National League of Cities put the total at 19,429 municipal governments in the US, which employ over 100,000 political appointees serving their constitutes at evey level of government.
Government Agencies / Federal, State, County & City
Government Officials and Contracting Officers at every level of government representing there respective agencies to promote mandated and voluntary VOB contracting initiatives and rewards programs.
There were 87,504 governmental units in the United States as of June 1997. In addition to the Federal Government and the 50 state governments, there were 87,453 units of local government. Of these, 39,044 are general purpose local governments - 3,043 county governments and 36,001 sub county general purpose governments, including 13,726 school district governments and 34,683 special district governments."
Government Contractors / Federal, State, County & City
Government Contractors and their contracting agency officers interested in contracting with or subcontracting to veteran owned businesses or supporting veterans employment and social service initiatives in the communities where they do business
In fiscal year 2009, the federal government wrote 6.6 million "actions," commonly referred to as "contracts" for products and services needed during the year. In addition to this activity, the federal government's use of credit cards resulted in another 30 million transactions. This is a lot of activity, but what are the dollars? The contracts represented about $626 billion, while the credit cards amounted to an additional $300 billion.
Officials, Military Officers and Contracting Officers from the Department of Defense and respective branches of the military looking to fill their VOB contracting quotas in each area of operations both nationally and internationally.
Military Organizations / Army - Air Force - Navy - Marines - Coast Guard
DOD and the militaryary branches employed roughly 766,000 service contractors in FY 2009; defense contractors DoD spent a total of $360 billion in contracts in FY 2012, about 52 percent of which were service contracts. The GAO found that the competition rate for services was much higher than for products. In the case of non-research and development (R&D) services, the rate was nearly twice as high (76 percent vs. 41 percent).
Military Contractors / DOD - Army - Air Force - Navy - Marines - Coast Guard
DOD & Military Organization Contractors and their contracting agency officers interested in contracting with or subcontracting to veteran owned businesses or supporting veterans employment and social service initiatives in the communities where they do business
DOD and the military branches employed roughly 766,000 service contractors in FY 2009; defense contractors DoD spent a total of $360 billion in contracts in FY 2012, about 52 percent of which were service contracts. The GAO found that the competition rate for services was much higher than for products. In the case of non-research and development (R&D) services, the rate was nearly twice as high (76 percent vs. 41 percent).
Multinational, National and Local Business Partners
Business Owners, Executive Officers & Contracting agents from Big Business to Local businesses across the nation who support the Buy Veteran - Do Business Veterans reciprocal, preferential business , contracting and military community support initiatives in the communities where they do business.
The is an estimated 29,413,039 establishments in the unites states which employ 120,604,265 employees, with an annual payroll of 5,026,778,232 and 30,738.533,467 in sales receipts.
Multinational, National and Local Business Partners
VSO Directors, Commanders and Contracting Officers from local veterans organizations whose mission it is to serve the veterans in their communities and place a priority on providing recerpical, preferential business and contracting opportunities to the VOB's in the communities they serve.
there are more than 35,000 "posts or organizations of war veterans," representing about 2 percent of all nonprofit groups in the United States, with revenues exceeding $1.2 billion in 2010.
National & Local Non-Profit Organizations / National, State, County, City
NPO Directors, Officers and Contracting Agents from national and local nonprofit organizations who place a priority on providing recerpical, preferential business and contracting opportunities to the VOB's in the communities they serve, and those NPO's that provide support for the Military Communities Social Service Initiatives.
Currently 2.3 million Organizations operate in the United States. The nonprofit sector contributed 804.8 Billion to the U.S. economy in 2010, making up 5.5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). In 2010 the largest component of the nonprofit sector reported $1.51 trillion in revenue, $1.45 Trillion in expenses and #2.71 Trillion in assets. In 2011 private charitable contributions totaled $298.42 Billion.